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Atlante della Malaria Umana
Atlas of Human Malaria
The main ambition of this Atlas is to give a contribution to the improvement of malaria diagnosis.
In order to ensure the widest distribution of this book in malaria endemic countries, a substantial effort was made to keep its price as low as possible.
To do so, the Authors have refrained from any form of remuneration and the Publisher, Mr. Gianfranco Zarantonello, worked for free for uncountable hours.
Due to all this, it is possible to sell an Atlas of this outstanding quality at a price less than half that of similar books.
As proposes by the Publisher himself an amount from the sale of each copy will be assigned to a field project on malaria research/intervention.
As a choice, no commercial sponsorship was sought for.
To conclude, I sincerely hope that this work will add its contribution to the endless fight against one of the heaviest plagues of human kind, and particularly of the poorest.

Dr. Zeno Bisoffi
Head, Centre for Tropical Diseases
Ospedale Sacro Cuore, Negrar - Verona (Italy)
See more about the Atlas of Human Malaria

Giovanni Swierczynski
Maria Gobbo

Atlas of Human Malaria
Atlante della Malaria Umana

(Printed: Feb 25, 2007)
- Illustrated Atlas 35"x24"
- Hardcover
- In double language, English and Italian
- With more than 400 photomicrographs
- 430 pages


Special sale price for (*):

- Students and Academics: € 50,00

- Foundations and Companies (up to 5 copies):
55,00; for more than 5 copies, contact Editor for a quote

- NGOs and NPOs: 55,00; for more copies, contact Editor for a quote

- Developing Countries: € 40,00

(*) A certificate attesting your membership is required


How to purchase the Atlas of Human Malaria:
Date stored for internal use only
By Credit Card
By Credit Card

Send this order form to: Az Color s.r.l. - Via G. Amendola, 24 - 25010 Sirmione - Brescia
By Mail

+39(0)30 9904001

Advance Payment:


By bank transfer to the following bank account:

Ag. Sirmione - Brescia - ITALY
banking coordinates: Cod. SWIFT


By postal order to the following account:

Via G. Amendola 24
25010 Colombare di Sirmione
Brescia - ITALY

For further information:
+39 (0)45 6013252 (Centre for Tropical Deseases)
+39 (0)30 919065 (AZ Color)
Home page
Centro per le Malattie Tropicali e Servizio autonomo di Epidemiologia e Laboratorio per le Malattie Tropicali. Mail: segreteria.malattietropicali@sacrocuore.it
Ospedale classificato ed equiparato Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria Via don A. Sempreboni, 5 - 37024 Negrar, Verona (Italy)
P.IVA 00280090234 - Work tel. (+39) 045 6013111 - fax (+39) 045 7500480 - pronto soccorso 045 6013222 - EMERGENZE: 118
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