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With more than 450 photomicrographs of the malaria parasites as well as related organisms of the genus Babesia, users of this Atlas can enhance their diagnostic capabilities through reference to the large number of images provided.
In addition to the photomicrographs, the authors have provided detailed information on the biology and epidemiology of the parasite species, an excellent review of the techniques for preparing well stained blood films, and a series of photomicrographs demonstrating artifacts found in blood films which often are a source of confusion to the less experienced microscopist.
It is a pleasure to offer our congratulations to the authors for providing this timely and still needed reference to aid in the identification and better understanding of the human malaria parasites.

Lawrence R. Ash, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Department of Epidemiology
UCLA School of Public Health
Los Angeles, CA., USA

Thomas C. Orihel, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Department of Tropical Medicine
SPHTM, Tulane University
New Orleans, LA., USA

 - Preface
 - Acknowledgments
 - Introduction
 - Plasmodium species of human interest
 - Geographical distribution
 - Developmental stages of malaria in the human host
 - When to look for malaria infection
 - Direct microscopic blood sample examination
 - Direct blood examination after staining
 - Reading and storage of stained films 
 - General appearance of a Plasmodium after staining 
 - Parasitemia 
 - Plasmodium falciparum 
 - Plasmodium vivax 
 - Plasmodium ovale 
 - Plasmodium malariae 
 - Malaria infection in humans 
 - Hematological changes during malaria infection 
 - Mixed infections 
 - Artifacts that my be confused with malaria or other blood parasites  

Atlas of Human Malaria
Centro per le Malattie Tropicali e Servizio autonomo di Epidemiologia e Laboratorio per le Malattie Tropicali. Mail: segreteria.malattietropicali@sacrocuore.it
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