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The Centre for Tropical Diseases is located at "Sacro Cuore- Don G. Calabria" Hospital in Negrar (Verona), the Department consists of 12 beds for the diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases and other imported diseases. The Department also admits patients with parasitic diseases that are not necessarily due to international travels. The Department is NOT a reference center for HIV/AIDS.
The outpatients Department of the Centre for Tropical Diseases is intended for people who need a post tropical screening as well as for the cure of other imported diseases or else (Not only travelling......). Patients can access our Divisional Department service by appointment, calling Tuesday to Friday 9.00-12.30 am (phone: +039 045 6013324); a prescription of the family doctor is required (not mandatory). Some infections can be cured with one-day treatment with drugs not registered in Italy that need monitoring for possible side effects.
Is a post tropical screening at our Department always recommended?

ScreeningA post tropical screening is not always necessary for people who have returned from a short-period travel (less than one month) and feel well. Travellers who feel unwell (during and/or after the journey) should be seen by a specialist who will request the appropriate laboratory tests.
Post-travel tropical fever should always be considered an emergency, especially if coming back from an
area endemic for malaria (a 24-hour service for microscopic diagnosis of malaria is available for emergencies and urgent requests via the on-call duty doctor of the Centre for Tropical Diseases.
Remind that many tropical-parasitic diseases may need a long incubation period (even months) and that symptoms might appear many months after the time of infection. Any symptom of unknown origin after a journey to a tropical country (even some months after coming back) should undergo examination by a specialist.


Not only travelling.....

Enterobius vermicularis egg (pinworm)One can get a parasitic infection even without travelling abroad; in fact, pathological parasites exist also in Italy. The most common are: PINWORMS, that cause anal itching in children, and STRONGYLOIDES, that cause elderly itching.
The Centre for Tropical Diseases, along with the Service of Epidemiology and Laboratory for Tropical Diseases, is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of these as well as of other endemic, less frequent parasitic diseases: leishmaniasis, amoebiasis, giardiasis and taeniasis.

Centro per le Malattie Tropicali e Servizio autonomo di Epidemiologia e Laboratorio per le Malattie Tropicali. Mail: segreteria.malattietropicali@sacrocuore.it
Ospedale classificato ed equiparato Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria Via don A. Sempreboni, 5 - 37024 Negrar, Verona (Italy)
P.IVA 00280090234 - Work tel. (+39) 045 6013111 - fax (+39) 045 7500480 - pronto soccorso 045 6013222 - EMERGENZE: 118
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